Ultrasonography (ultrasound imaging or US imaging) is an important addition to traditional physiotherapy assessment and treatment, allowing us to deliver precise and personalized rehabilitation. US imaging is a procedure that helps us to evaluate the morphology and functionality of muscles and related tissues. It provides important feedback that enables us to identify the problem and apply therapeutic interventions, i.e. methods that increase the body’s ability to work at normal capacity. Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, we can show and explain to the patient precisely the root of their problem. In addition, the patient can see the results of the therapy and understand the benefits of regular exercise, which may facilitate the effectiveness of the treatment applied by our physiotherapists.
Manual therapy
Manual therapy is a specialization in physiotherapy for the treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal pathologies. It uses specific treatment approaches, including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises. During the visit, a physiotherapy specialist interviews and examines the patient to set a plan for the treatment process and its duration. The treatment of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system is carried out by using joint mobilization techniques, muscle techniques and movement exercises. The overriding goal is to return to normal functioning as soon as possible by restoring pain-free movement of the patient’s body, and to prevent recurrence of ailments. IFOMPT (International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists) oversees the training of physiotherapists in Orthopedic Manual Therapy by providing guidelines for the introduction of this new specialization (since 1976) in line with evidence-based medicine (EBM Evidence Based Medicine).
Osteopathy is a manual therapy, focusing on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders. Osteopathy was developed over one hundred years ago by Andrew Taylor Still, an American physician, who stressed the importance of a holistic approach to the body. Thus, an osteopath concentrates on your whole body, including the soft tissues, the spine and nervous system, and uses a variety of hands-on methods that improve your health and restore the optimal functioning of your body. Although often confused with alternative medicine, osteopathy is a form of complementary medicine, as an osteopath is a professional with excellent practical skills, and a vast general medical knowledge. All in all, by combining scientific knowledge and the art of healing, osteopathy gives a holistic approach to health and stresses the importance of the musculoskeletal system in a person’s health and well-being.
Medical functional training
The purpose of functional training is to improve some movement patterns associated with good body mechanics. For instance, in dental therapy, which focuses on treating dysfunctions of the masticatory system, we aim at stabilizing and coordinating the position of the head. Properly conducted dental therapy requires an axial positioning of the head to stimulate deep muscle structures and to obtain stable treatment results. For the therapy to be fully effective, your commitment is very important – when at home, you should regularly do short and precise exercises given to you by a physiotherapist.
The use of the endoscope in the phoniatric and speech therapy rehabilitation
In this medical procedure (nasopharyngoscopy) we insert a flexible fiberoptic endoscope through your nose and advance it into the back of your throat. It visualizes the structures inside the nasal passages, including the sinus openings, the larynx and the vocal cords. This way, the doctor can determine the cause of nose and throat related problems. During the procedure, the patient can see the real-time images on the monitor and follow the instructions given by the therapist. Such visual feedback (biofeedback) enhances the patient’s awareness of the importance of exercises. Biofeedback is a quick and effective method that helps the patient to do and control the exercises given by the therapist (e.g. sound production or swallowing exercises). Nasopharyngoscopy is used in the treatment of patients with dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), with reduced ability to breathe (e.g. laryngeal paralysis), or patients after or before laryngectomy, i.e. partial, supraglottic or total removal of the larynx.
Команда професіоналів
Наші спеціалісти
Piotr Godek, MD, PhD
Orthopedist, osteopath, specializes in minimally invasive pain treatment techniques and the application of autologous serum treatment.
Barbara Jamróz, MD, PhD
Specialist in otorhinolaryngology, audiology, and phoniatrics Assistant professor at the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland Senior assistant at the Institute of Mother and Child, One Day Clinic – Pathophysiology of Speech and Upper Airway Endoscopy